Lead Time: 2 Weeks

Latest News From Rudy Rack

The FatStack Saves Space

“The Rudy Rack Fat Stack has allowed us to command the customer focus that the burgeoning fatbike category deserves — in addition to allowing us to use our precious floor space more efficiently…” Dallas Perry, Bicycles Plus, TX As we all know, fat tire bicycles can take up a lot of showroom space. But, with Rudy Rack’s FatStack,   you can fit 6 bikes in the amount of space needed for 3.

Online Ordering Is Now Available

Thank you for being patient with us while we update our website. We hope you like it as much as we do. Our Online Shop is now available – check it out!

Retail Remodel Project

The winner of the Retail Remodel Project has been announced! We are proud to be a sponsor of the project and are looking forward to helping the store redesign their space!

Hello Interbike!

We are nearly finished setting up our display at Interbike at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas.  Please come visit us!  The tradeshow is open through September 12th.